Thursday, August 23, 2012

Unto the stupid all things are stupid

From the NRO stable of writers, Mona Charen comes to the defense of a Senate candidate who relied on 13th-century misconception* to justify the idea that women shouldn't have access to abortions after rape because if they became pregnant then they can't have been legitimately raped. Hilarity ensues.
H/t bbkf
Stupid ignorabimuses deserve Senatorial representation too!

* The forced-birthers reviving this belief for the 20th century cite Nazi death-camp research on ovulation after torture as their primary source.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Many things about the human body are peculiar and amazing- for instance, the ability to write NRO columns without a functioning cerebral cortex.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

...cite Nazi death-camp research on ovulation after torture as their primary source.

They are merely teaching the controversy.

It is a post-truth world, after all.

tigris said...

The forced-birthers reviving this belief for the 20th century cite Nazi death-camp research on ovulation after torture as their primary source.

Ho. Lee. Crap.

Ignoring the relative states of health of "concentration camp detainee" vs "typical American woman," I don't suppose it ever occurred to these bozos that a woman might have already ovulated just BEFORE the rape? In which case the stress wouldn't stop her from having already ovulated?

Hamish Mack said...

Freind said"This thing has come down to the fact that I'm not a doctor.

"And" he did not add "I am not a climatologist, yet I can talk about the weather".

Substance McGravitas said...

I looked it up, and it appears that there is no evidence that witches are made of wood, but it didn’t seem out of the realm of possibility to me.

M. Bouffant said...

It's "Anything Can Happen Day!"