Winnowing the human population down to a sustainable level requires not only ruthlessness and stern measures, and total control of the food supply, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope. These are necessary but not sufficient conditions. The Great Culling (® Rima Laibow) also calls upon the tireless efforts of a cadre of statisticians and actuaries, to identify which occupational groups are over-represented in society and need to be culled next (through coincidental 'accidents' and 'incidents' and 'suicides') so as to maintain the optimal social balance even as the population dwindles.
...Then it was the turn of climatologists...

The most recent victim of the heart-attack hitsquad was a celebrated sweetbread-pill and coffee-enema enthusiast. Erin is rightfully concerned for her own safety and for that of her husband Joe Mercola -- who is himself a prominent figure in Alt-Med circles -- and no-one will be surprised were she to vanish unaccountably, along with most of his money.
Tomorrow, who knows, perhaps there will be more actuaries than a shrunken population still requires, and it will be Statistician's Day.
But wait, there's more!
And in the manner of vomit, and returning dogs, it all involves that protean protein GcMAF. If dogs cared about their reputation they would work out some form of mutual assistance so as to return to one another's vomit instead of their own. But I digress.
What the now-dead or missing alternative doctors apparently discovered was that Nagalase was intentionally being put in children’s vaccines in order to inhibit their natural immunity.Nagalase blocks the body's own production of GcMAF, see, causing autism and cancer and chronic illness. And whence cometh this α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase? In conventional medical science it is a necessary enzyme for sugar metabolism, such that a deficiency causes neurological degeneration and early death; but in alternative equally-valid versions of reality it is not of human origin at all, and could only have been introduced into our bodies through injections (chemtrails are not fit for purpose).
Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.Our ultimate source for these ventriloquistic insights into the thoughts of dead people is a "Dr" Ted Broers, who is (depending on your preferred reality) either a religious affinity scammer and the originator of "Scriptural Nutrition", or an "internationally recognized health and nutrition doctor". “Internationally recognized” could be a polite way of saying “Sought in a number of jurisdictions”.
Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the immunization process.
EVEN nagalase laced vaccinations!
Ice cream, Mandrake! Children’s ice cream!
Not of human origin? Shya, everybody knows nagalase originated in the serpent people of lost Lemuria.
but these sickos probably believe that man came out of some little pond
With a scimitar that was flung at him by a watery tart!
but these sickos probably believe that man came out of some little pond
Respectful Insolence attracts some interesting trolls.
SC: ...most of whom come out of a very small and smelly (but curiously well funded) pond.
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