This cannot possibly end well, for New Zealand already has a network -- joined at the nates to the coloured-light therapists at St Benedicts Health Care -- to distribute the magic immune-modulating molecule. And the network is reaching the customers, as evinced by the proliferation of crowdsourcing sites seeking contributions from strangers to help with the price of NZ$1,500 per round or NZ$4500 per month.¹
As for Australians, they can mix a Bravo Probiotic Yogurt Kit with camel's milk and the specially-formulated bacterial microbiome will transmute its molecules into the human immunomodulator. Those who lack culture can obtain it from the supplier, Jason Sourris up in banana-bender territory (camel's milk sold separately). The biggest Australian booster of GcMAF is Dr Heather Way, Nutritional Therapist and Certified Nutrigenomist. I like that title, it is a lexical turducken: any word can be made 50% more convincing by squeezing 'omic' inside it. Though it is not clear to me who issued Way's certificate
I hope things do not go higgledy-piggledy with the advent of a new dealer, and slide down the beautiful downgrade of Scarface-themed competition into a bloody cocaine-cartel ganglands war, but if they do then I'm rooting for injuries.

Way and Sourris and the St Benedicts people know their way around a knife-fight, but Dr Fleming has spent his entire life in the mean streets of Melbourne's homicide hotspot, so 400 quatloos on the newcomer!
No doubt the MAFActive team have conducted due diligence on their new representative.³ They will have observed approvingly that Dr Darren Fleming is Sunbury's #1 naturopath, where his World Naturopath practice has enjoyed a series of enthusiastic 5-Star reviews (which in turn I recommend to devotees of the Amazon Book-Review Genre) from clients whose cancers he has cured. In fact the only thing missing from the catalog of positive report is any indication of how one would contact Dr Fleming to avail oneself of his naturopathic expertise.
His World Naturopath site is no more helpful. The domain was registered by "David Jones", at
, with a St Albans PO Box and phone number. The site is strangely aspirational in nature, promising to providea range of products that will be of assistance to our many clients that are unable to attend our clinics. These products are based on over 20 years of experience and on the clinical experience of 1000′s of clientsand non-specific talk of
a large range of protocols to assist our clients reach their health goals in the most cost effective and timely manner as possiblebut under "Appointments" there is only further aspiration:
We are currently expanding our clinical operations in Australia and Japan and are in negotiations with a number of clinics in a range of countries to offer our services.The Wayback archives indicate that World Naturopath has languished in this state of unrequited expectation since July 2013. It was not always thus; in earlier incarnations -- going back to February 2012 -- World Naturopath was a flourishing practice staffed by
We will update this page shortly with a list of clinics we consult at and their contact details.
- Dr. Darren Fleming, N.D., M.D. (Natural Medicine)
- Dr. A. K. Jain, Ph.D (Ayurveda)
- Dr. Arun Dhelia, N.D.
A melancholy mood of wistful unreality begins to linger around the MAFActive distributor, in the manner of a Maxfield Parrish painting, or of someone who took "little flights of fancy at first, dwelt all day in his dreamy way on fields and rivers lying in the sunlight where it strikes the world more brilliantly further South. And then he began to imagine butterflies there; after that, silken people and the temples they built to their gods."
December 2014 - A new volunteer for the
Cancer & Natural Therapy Foundation
Currently developing my own system of CAM protocols based on over 20 years and 1000's of clients. Also much of my work involves working as a private consultant of a number of offshore specialty clinics and working with their patients.and as of March 2014,
After much research and trial and error we are bringing GCMAF probiotics to market at a reduced cost. Our long term aim is to be able to supply this product as a ready to consume product near the price of a tub of normal yogurt.His intentions of breaking the Way-Sourris Probiotic Cartel are further detailed in a flurry of March 2014 press releases from
to advertise his new website:GcMaf Yogurt is a natural symbiosis of milk ferments and microorganisms that combines the health benefits of different products derived from milk fermentation with the added benefit of containing GcMAF. You will be able to purchase GcMaf producing yogurt shortly. Our long term aim is to be able to supply GcMaf yogurt at a lower price.
June 2015 - C&NTF contributor
- About darrenf
- Researching GCMAF, cancer vaccines.
- currently developing the Fleming cancer protocol.
In Darren's entry at the Russian social-network site VK, he falls victim to an immodest degree of modesty, hiding his light under not just a bushel but an entire haystack, and describing his qualification as merely a Bachelor degree in Business from RMIT (Class of 1997). He further explains that
I have many interests I own a large number of companies and I fund raise for a number of local and international charities. While I head a number of pharmacy companies my real passion is running my private barons club."The Baron's Club", one wonders? Slowly he built up Larkar: rampart by rampart, towers for archers, gateway of brass, and all. And then one day he argued, and quite rightly, that all the silk-clad people in its streets, their camels, their wares that come from Inkustahn, the city itself, were all the things of his will—and then he made himself King.
Without further delay, meet the Rt. Hon. Baron Fleming of Merlona: educated at Harvard Business School (MBA) and "Melbourne Grammer School", with 10 years experience as CEO of International Marketing Group, "an international company who brought a whole range of luxury brand products to Australia. Marking directly to high net worth customers worldwide". Conceivably this is linked to the entry at Alibaba for the Baron's Club

There is only one possible ending to this kind of story. It must be a tradition, or an old charter or something.

Slowly, with music when the trumpets sounded, came up towards him from we know not where, one-hundred-and-twenty archbishops, twenty angels and two archangels, with that terrific crown, the diadem of the Thuls. They knew as they came up to him that promotion awaited them all because of this night's work. Silent, majestic, the king awaited them.
Tell us more about Darren's "Baron's Club", uncle Smut!
No no no, you should visit The Club yourself, I cannot describe the level of aspirational grandeur it attains. The goal appears to be a cheap Ashley-Madison knock-off, offering a social portal in which hoi polloi could rub shoulders and other body parts with an exclusive invite-only elite... so the promises of hot-totty-matchmaking are interlarded with Vegas High-Roller life-style signifiers of cigars and scotch and poker chips and private jets, all with the understated refinement of Donald Trump filming an advertisement for Lynx. When the Baron's Club emerged on FB in the course of June 2013, it could already boast of a two-decade history of wild success, so who am I to doubt that membership ever exceeded 1? There is aspirational talk of a luxury cruise liner for the club members, private islands, buying French chateaux. The most charitable interpretation is that the brashness is carefully cultivated to appeal to parvenu Moscovite oligarchs.One part of the whole fabulist farrago turns out to be true. Dr Darren Fleming does indeed (or did) "head a number of pharmacy companies". Or at least, he sold his name and contact details to be used by northern-hemisphere predators to set up "on-line pharmacies", for harvesting credit-card details from sufficiently gullible would-be purchasers of boner pills and white-trash speed. Thus 'David Jones' at
became the proud registrant of an entire virtual empire:Best-Online-Pharmacy, Mail-Order-Pharmacy Online-Pharmacies and MexicanPharmacy (all India-based, and brokered through an Indian domain-name broker operating out of the boondocks near Mumbai... even the last, truly a name that shouts out "Reliability"). Not to forget "" and Pharmacy Express Online.
One reason I follow the unfolding GcMAF soap-opera so compulsively is the high calibre of individuals it brings me into contact with.
Under his real name (but the same PO Box), as
, Darren registered BestOnlineDrugsand no-rx-pharmacy: the latter is in abeyance due to legal complications, but both can be seen to best advantage at their Russian social-network sites.
And in the course of their due diligence into their new distributor, Lesley Hutchings and Trevor Banks will have noticed that he used his
e-address to register OrderOnlinephentermine, ViagraOnlinePharmacy and the more laconic 
1. Do not google "GcMAF + GoFundMe" unless you are in the mood for a long parade of sadness and exploitation, in which the phrase "rejected Western chemotherapy" recurs like a Wagnerian Leitmotif farted out on a tuba.2. Heather Way and Sourris and their "The Autism and Gut Centre" (Australia's Leading Autism Nutrigenomic Researchers) do not really come into the Riddled wheelhouse, whatever a wheelhouse is, presumably it's somewhere to stockpile spare wheels. But given the failure of Australian bloggers to deliver their own ridicule, suffice to say that two years ago Way was appealing to the kindness of strangers to help her attend a griftfest in Dubai -- writing of the miracle cures for autism which are waiting for her to bring injectable GcMAF back into Oz -- all sounding to a cynical mind like an admission that the yogurt product doesn't actually work.
Way espouses the work of Natasha Campbell-McBride, a darling of right-wing talivangelist / Dominationist bloggers on account of her theory that contraceptive pills and vaccines cause autism by drilling little holes in the gut lining.
It is a cause of lasting regret that no-one has ever paid for me to travel to a conference on curdled dairy products. I would like to be able to say that I went on a junket.
3. The question arose earlier this month of why Amanda Mary Jewell (erstwhile bleach-enema impresaria) was referring her GcMAF clientele to the Hutchings/Banks company 1stProEngineering to buy the protein, which they in turn obtain from Noakes' blood-extraction operation, even though she herself is purportedly importing "2nd-Generation GcMAF" (i.e. curdled colostrum) from the Japanese snake-oil specialists Saisei-Mirai, through her
Write to us:
First Pro Engineering, Smolyan, 4700, Bulgaria
Thank you so much for this information, you're doing incredible work connecting the dots and exposing this scandal.
At the moment I'm just worried about people like Darren Fleming giving us deranged hiding-from-reality fabulists a bad name.
I need to talk you, I have been involved in this for other 15 months now.
Is it possible to chat sometime.
Many thanks
Fiona O'Leary
ART Autistic Rights Together
Http //
> Brava for your good work.
20 years of experience and on the clinical experience of 1000′s of clients
So, 50's of clients a year? Maybe he should upgrade from mere "complimentary" medicine to outright flattery medicine.
Also, the Baron's Club grasp of English grammar and usage makes me think they should buy some thumbs.
I have been advised that the Barony of Merlona is especially resonant for Italian speakers, for whom "Merlo" means "blackbird" -- "it's commonly used to indicate a sucker or an idiot."
Hence a fantasy parody, "The Chronicle of Merlonia".
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