- Almost 50% of individuals from a Spanish 1936 mass grave had their brains preserved.
- Chemical analysis confirms that these brains were preserved by saponification.
- Three factors influenced brain preservation: microbiological, chemical and physical.
- A forensic and holistic approach is emphasized for the recovery and analysis of human remains in forensic context.
[Thx Neuroskeptic]
It is a vision of a parallel world in which Guillermo del Toro directed the Indiana Jones movies.
In other news, not entirely coincidental, Professor Michael Persinger is still at the top of his game. Building on earlier brain-related reports, he provides another installment of his unconventional and stimulating perspectives on embodiment, and further demonstrations that structure -- not metabolic activity -- is what counts. It may be that his team at Laurentian University could provide the Spanish team with first-hand clues for identifying the culprits of the Civil War atrocity.

Mind you, Nicolas Rouleau and Persinger have previously found EEG activity in blue PlayDo, so the bar is not high.
Right: Nicholas Rouleau: Another
victim of Nominal Determinism?

I for one am withholding judgement on Persinger's necroneurology until he manages to access the memories locked within a 130-million-year-old dinosaur brain.
AFTERTHOUGHT: Therein lies the script for a mash-up of 'Jurassic Park' and 'Total Recall', with an contraband trade in first-person dinosaur experiences that goes horribly wrong. I would watch the hell out of that.
* During the excavation of the Spanish Civil War grave at La Pedraja
(Burgos, Spain), 104 individuals were found interred within it, 45 of
which displayed brains that were preserved but dehydrated and reduced in
size.[...] The results of the analyses on
these morphologically identifiable human brains confirmed the presence
of nerve structures, fatty acids, and in one case ante-mortem evidence
for an intracranial haemorrhage. The fatty acid profile corresponds to
the process of saponification. Therefore, the interpretation is that the
preservation of these brains at the mass grave of La Pedraja was due to
the saponification process, which was influenced by the manner and
cause of death, the chemical composition of the brain, the
physicochemical properties of the soil and the meteorological conditions
at the time.
Now I have spent many hours reading Lovecraft corraborations and it is all B^4's fault.
The Curse of Big
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