Monday, May 31, 2010

Beware the limping cat

Not many people know that before Antony Gormley acquired a reputation as "the artist who makes casts of himself out of iron or lead", when he was still poor and unknown, metal was too expensive and he could only afford to hand-carve wooden shells for his Siamese cat, Doodle.

This also saved money when he needed to take the cat to the vet.

UPDATE: Bonus Gormley sculpture.

Not at all centipedal.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

My cats never brought anything home that wasn't a former or soon to be former rodent or bird.

But Mrs. Cat brings home roses?

Maybe you could put up a picture of this special kitty (assuming she isn't in a feline witness protection program, or alternatively on the run from the which cases disregard the request).

mikey said...

I think you meant "centripetal"...

Substance McGravitas said...

This also saved money when he needed to take the cat to the vet.

Cling wrap works too, but you have to have quick hands.

Another Kiwi said...

Taking a cat into the afterlife guarantees that it is not going to be heaven, IMO.

Unknown said...

Da Cat (Micky Dora) knew a thing or two