Monday, October 25, 2010

Poem- Too Much

I misspelt the name on the form.
And it was the last straw.
So many decisions I have made,
have turned to shit in my hands.
That it hurts to make plans.
So many unexplained rejections, so much
callous disregard, unthinking crossings off.
That a simple request for a correction,
is like an axe blow to the head.
I can't see achievements beyond the everyday.
Which I know should be enough.
I am here in the wasteland
where  gardens used to be,
I will never find the gate
I have no energy.


ckc (not kc) said...

...someone needs a stiff drink

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I misspelt the name on the form.²

Don't make me cry like this. I'll join you, re: ckc (not kc)'s excellent suggestion.

² In my current career as and FHA multi-family underwriter (aka HUD), I've learned that HUD will reject applications for multi-million dollar loans because the rounding causes the numbers in the forms to be 'off' by 1$.

And that's only the beginning of the insane nitpicking, while they miss the baby going down the drain of the bathtub.

Substance McGravitas said...

The trick to filling out the forms right is not starting. Whoops, taxman's here, gotta go.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

The trick to filling out the forms right is not starting.

Thank you, WOPR McGravitas.

mikey said...

I've learned to take someone with me. Because as the frustration piles up, and they say "you put the wrong date in box 15b(1.8) and I start leaning over the desk and start to go all Hanover Fiste on the poor bastard, somebody needs to make peace.

So little ever actually gets accomplished, you either have to accept the premise you'll finish the process in county lockup or you concede defeat. Very few options exist in between...

Smut Clyde said...

Also, the transformations were too hard to find.