Monday, October 31, 2011

Skull-blogging: Beauchene Edition

When we are kicking back in the Wigglesworth Lounge at the back of the Old Entomologist talking toot about Evolution's various mistakes and how much better we would have designed things if we'd been in charge, sooner or later the subject comes around to the way we express ideas, and the bottlenecks built into it.
Elective Z-sections:
should only be final resort
Those bottlenecks were not a problem for our primitive ancestors whose ideas were only small ones, but the larger ideas we have now must be forced out before they are fully formed, one word at a time, otherwise they get stuck along the narrow canal leading out of the skull. It is a bad design and I do not rate for it.

So Another Kiwi was all "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." And I was all "Hang about, I like cursing the darkness. Pissflaps! Fucksocks!"

"Imagine the convenience," said AK, "if the bones of the skull were more loosely attached, and could disarticulate in the manner of a snake's jaws to let out bigger concepts."
This is all very well but I will not be talked into volunteering for a session in the Evolvamat.
For those who suffer from unwanted expansion of the head, it turns out that a homœopathic remedy is available, in the form of highly-diluted positronium.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...


I know what those are. Those the crispy socks men surreptitiously masturbate into.

Trevor said...

They only go crispy if you leave them too long on the bedside table.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

disarticulate in the manner of a snake's jaws to let out bigger concepts."

yes, that would allow for easier access. I approve.

Now I would like vs to describe 'fucknozzles' wait, based on the latest post NO I DON'T.

fish said...


I know what those are. Those the crispy socks men surreptitiously masturbate into.

These are fucksocks.