His overtures were accepted! The denialists are hugging Manuel close to their unwarmed little hearts. A search for "Iron Sun" returns page after page of Ghits for this

The theory demands that a neutron star is not stable as the physicists thought -- evidently there is no such thing as a pulsar -- but instead is a repository of titanic stores of energy which it releases over billions of years in slow decay, providing 2/3 of the solar output.* The other 1/3 comes from newly-invented pathways of plasma fusion in the corona.
In fact the theory also applies to every star with a planetary system. The galaxy is evidently full of supernova remnants, and where are the pre-supernova stars? It is a mystery... like the origins of new birds-nests:
It is an extraordinary but indisputable fact that whereas an enormous number of these birds built nests last year, practically none have built nests this year.

Into the whirlpool, where matter vanishes
Degenerate star, arm of Orion
An iron sun, the forbidden circle
It’s a mountain, it’s a black horizon

One might expect a clash between the AGW-denial claim that the Earth's atmosphere is not warming (meteorologists having faked all the evidence) and the professor's claim that the Earth is warming (under the influence of the solar chromosphere). But 'consistency' is not a priority in the Deniosphere, and those bloggers who were loudest about the fraudulence of climate scientists are also the biggest boosters for Manuel. The bat-signal goes out and they descend en masse on comment threads whenever the Iron Sun is mentioned. Perhaps they will come here! What fun!
If AGW-denialists think their case is strengthed by the support of someone best-known for raping his own children, go for it.
* Manuel also has developed his own Outsider school of nuclear physics, and is prone to popping up in discussions of alternative-energy sources to argue that the Earth's energy problems could be solved by mastering the mechanisms of neutron repulsion.
...without receiving merciless mockery from tigris.
Good luck with that!
you left out Holograms and Generation Starship of your explanation.
That picture at Manuel's site is not at all creepy. Neither is the link to the Erin Miller info page.
I can't find any info. on Manuel's sentencing etc. Was he convicted?
I'm convicted that my poor sentencing led to my failure in english.
Equally not-concerning: links like
Click here for alternatives to Drug Psychiatric
I urge support for the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights
But I checked a few more AGW-denial websites, and no, I was not exaggerating about the prominence of Prof. Manuel within their pantheon.
He could be writing all his nonsense from jail. There's no Wikki page on him, which would have to mention his arrest and follow-up... friends in high places?
w.v. is "fulfiery"- mm hmm
So if I start making stupid shit up about not-science, but it supports corporate interests, then I am on the gravy train, even if I have no particular expertise?
Not asking for a friend, but I am damn tired of working for a not-living. Might as well siphon from the rich fuckers.
I can't find any info. on Manuel's sentencing etc.
Not gonna search. My search history is sufficiently damning already.
Here's a Philosophy-of-Science blog, where the blogger is interested in the Iron Sun farrago as a case-study in the Academy's reaction to an out-there idea. Manuel turns up in the comments and spends a month linking to his website, to his publications and to his photocopied pages stapled to telephone poles, while the blogger tries to explain that the topic is not so much the correctness of the Iron Sun, and more the process of being a heretic. There are visits from Manuel's fanboys, plus a lot of grumbling about the evil National Academy of Science which is like the Spanish Inquisition in the way it doesn't fund some research.
After a month of this the blogger abruptly announces:
This thread is temporarily closed to ponder a social issue of significance and whether further discussion is merited.
Sometimes ethical decisions are difficult to make as is this situation. Thus, this topic is permanently closed.
Citizen Astrophysicist was the Hall of Justice's least favorite superhero.
It was rumored the even the Wonder Twins often beat him up and stuffed him in their justice-lockers.
Birds who build Shabby-Chic nests are so '90's.
It would be kinda hard to set the controls for the heart of an iron sun.
Pshaw, those guys cry at soft-focus commercials. Set the controls for "Lifetime movie" and their hearts are like putty in your hands. Molten iron putty, that it: wear gloves.
is. I blame Professor Manuel.
is. I blame Professor Manuel.
fish will be relieved.
Please leave my unwarmed little heart out of it m'kay?
No, Von, when it's time to make a stew, ALL the hearts are to be included.
As well as other organ meats.
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