It is therefore a surprise to encounter D. Vendramini and his "Neanderthal Predation" theory, in which cat eyes were also a feature of Homo neanderthalensis -- along with gorilla-like pelage and a taste for human meat.
Vendramini is evidently an outside-the-box thinker. So far outside that the box in question is lost over the horizon somewhere and the prospects of finding it again become vanishingly small; it was probably thrown out with the rest of the $mas packaging.
Below: Inside-the-box thinking
Right: Still thinking inside the box

Returning to Neanderthal Predation... imagine our early hominid ancestors as they spread to Europe and the Levant. Suppose that Homo erectus came under evolutionary pressure from the Neandertals already in occupation -- super-predators, devouring the weak and the slow -- forcing our ancestors to evolve strength and intelligence and hairlessness, traits which would never have developed otherwise.
Not only does Neanderthal Predation account for our transformation into Cro-Magnons; it proves capable of explaining any feature of the human condition -- if not as a response to evolutionary pressure, then through nightmarish cellular memories, or sexual selection as our ancestors chose mates who least resembled the hated Neandertals; or conversely if any traits seem more Neandertalic, then they were acquired by inter-breeding.

This all comes as a surprise to those of us who thought that the Neandertals were the Old-Testyment Nephilim, half-human hybrids bred through artificial insemination by the invading Starlords to be the agents of their occupation; or else they were the Lost Civilisation of Lemuria. But NP theory is SCIENCE so there is no room for argument, Neandertals were the Most Dangerous Game of all.
How much will big-game sportsmen pay for a ride in the Riddled time machine, 50,000 years into the past, for a chance to match their skills against them, to hunt and be hunted? I do not know but it's worth finding out.
* Why Hi there Stanisław Szukalski, creator of Zermatism:"The history of mankind up to this moment is the enumeration of STRUGGLES caused by the elemental foes of mankind, the results of the rapes of human women by Manapes who, having been born among us and speaking our languages, are mistakenly taken for our own countrymen. But it is these hateful, deadly and fiendishly exterminatory descendants of the Yeti that, on having been throughly admixed with the Humans, think up all the ideological Isms that create subversion, treason, revolution, wars, and the eventual downfall of all Civilization and Culture."

Szukalski's notions about the sub-human strand of human nature, and of the half-human miscegenation-born Yetysyn who walk among us, are clearly inspired by Vendramini's themes, casting their shadows backwards into the past AGAIN. Say what you like about thinking inside the box, you don't have to worry about your insights back-propagating along the time-stream and troubling mankind's dreams.
** [Explaining Voice] A key constraint on the design of pupils is the optical quality of the mammalian lens, which is shite. And the quality gets worse in the lens' outer zones. If
None of this deterred Banks et al. from running a science-fair comparison of pupil shape and ecological niche, and coming up with their own half-arsed Just-So story in which they claim that small cats have slit pupils to achieve worse focus along the horizontal axis, because ummm depth perception.
A cynic might suppose that Banks et al. are angling for an IgNobel Prize but I could not possibly comment.
Belatedly UPDATED with Bonus Cat Pupils.
Turns out that Neandertals are still funny-looking even after you shave off all the hair.
Gotta give Man's Life credit for seeing this one coming.
Not a lot has changed in 30-odd years.
contaminating the pure germline with their own genetic taint.
So anyway, goats have particularly good vision along the vertical axis, then? Whatever for? Is it for spotting, I dunno, weeds to eat? Humans to annoy? Inquiring minds want to know.
goats have particularly good vision along the vertical axis, then? Whatever for?
Banks &c had the not-so-stupid idea that it's to reduce light scatter from the sky. Reducing the lens flare. Same reason as Inuit snow-goggles are horizontal slits.
Sounds like sheep and goats really want to keep their pupils horizontal; the eyeballs rotate as they bend their heads to the ground to keep them that way. So horizontal pupils is a big deal for them. And a horizontal pupil is not so easy for Evolution to make. The default state of a mammalian pupil is the cats-eye vertical slit (in the fetus, the iris develops from both sides, then fuses in the middle).
I'm so glad that Stan made a cameo here. Of course, the Reverend Ivan Stang turned the yeti-crossbreed thing on its head, making the yetis the good guys (Wilson and Shea probably inspired that bit).
B^4 has made me feel guilty for not devoting more space to the prodigiously weird Stanisław Szukalski.
Makes sense about the reduced-lens-flare effect.
The default state of a mammalian pupil is the cats-eye vertical slit (in the fetus, the iris develops from both sides, then fuses in the middle).
I recently learned that we are all assholes, speaking from the perspective of developmental biology.
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