We know they are anti- matter in composition because the light they emit takes the form of anti-photons, with negative energy, which means that the speed of anti-light increases in a non-vacuum medium -- that is, it has a negative index of refraction, and can only be focussed by a concave lens rather than a convex one, and darkens the image on the film or CCD. It is a light that never, never warms. It may be that a similar phenomenon explains the non-reflective property of vampires.
Anti-illumination from an anti-candle

There are many avenues that one might pursue to bring such discoveries to wider attention; Ruggero Santilli took the increasingly-popular option of paying a mockademic junk-journal to wrap a gauzy tissue of Science around a grotesquely mal-edited 9-page press release. The journal being the India-based "American Journal of Modern Physics" from the bottom-feeding scuzzbuckets comprising the "Science Publishing Group".

There is real-world involvement here. But the MagneGas company is a whole nother story, with its publicly-traded shares, and actual
From there the ramifications spread out through a network of self-staffed Scholarly Institutes and Philanthropic Foundations and Lecture Series and conferences (also) and vanity journals, across cosmology, hadronic physics, isoprotons, and mathematics. Any internal contradictions in all this go away when conventional mathematical reasoning is generalised in the broader fields of iso-mathematics and hyper-mathematics. Needless to say, Santilli is not a fan of quantum mechanics or Einsteinian relativity.
Indeed, our man has his own alternative formulation of Scientific Ethics; this focusses upon the International Jewish Conspiracy to suppress Santilli's contributions, and combines self-conducted lawsuits with vituperative anti-semitic denunciations of people who ignore or disagree with him. Thomas Mann reckoned that "only the exhaustive can be truly interesting", and Santilli's list of enemies certainly qualifies as "interesting".
All this may well flood the Stupid market and crash the commodity price (with repercussions and reverberations across the world economy), but in the short term there is plenty of Stupid for everyone! Stupor Monday came early!
* Earlier attempts in 2007 and 2008. There is a conventional form of Nobel Prize nomination -- it must come from recognised institutions to be felicitous -- and needless to say, Santilli has invented his own procedure. Through which his epigones and sockpuppets have been nominating for the Physics Prize regularly since 1985. In 1987 the sockpuppetdrawer organised themselves as a "International Committee for the Nobel Prize Nomination of Prof. R. M. Santilli" to systematise the process.
Amazing how a sneeze on a lens can start an entire new field of inquiry.
I got on Santilli's mailing list when I was at Florida State University. In those days, it was actual mail with stamps on it. A quarter-century later, the mail stopped. I was hoping he'd given up.
Not everyone could have built an entire career out of divide-by-zero errors. You have to admire him.
Maybe you can't divide by zero, but how about division by orbs, ehh, Mr. Science Man???
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