Of course there is nothing wrong or shameful about assuming a false identity

in order to
praise one's sexual prowess and give excuses for one's unavailability. Nor is there any shame in
denying that sock- puppetry when it comes to light.
"John Barron"? SRSly?
I can't really see Trump as a Spinrad fan... hell, I can't really picture him reading a book, not even one of his own.
Hey, old chum, are you aware of this?
are you aware of this?
Amanda Mary has a policy of hoovering up every media or blog reference to her GcMAF business and echoing it on her own blog, complimentary or hostile, as long as it is attention.
I have no idea whether she's doing it by hand or has automated the process. I am sad that the formatting of the copied posts goes all cattywumpus, but I am happy to see my material endorsed by the republication, for it takes defamation lawsuits off the table.
I can't really see Trump as a Spinrad fan
Still, you have to admit that the 1979 cover-art portrayal of Barron (by Peter Gudynas) has elements of Trumpery.
But "John Barron"?
Or John Miller. His play-by-play for the Giants, always very classy.
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