2. You can't walk anywhere in Heaven without stepping on disembodied baby heads. They are the Lego blocks of the Empyrean.
3. Beefcake boy would like to shelter some little popes too but he doesn't have a cloak so he is playing an invisible theremin instead.
4. It was probably a mistake to send Another Kiwi back to 1518 in the Time Machine with the idea of buying cheap political cartoons from Lucas Cranach d. Ä., because quite frankly we have no idea what the cartoon is about. Something about Sea Shepherd? Next time, Cranach, is it so difficult to write little identificatory labels on the figures?
That Madonna really should sue the manufacturer of that defective invisibility cloak.
Beefcake boy's feet don't seem to be touching the ground. Either he's balancing on his knees or he has an invisible foot-rest.
Acme Invisibility Cloak. 0 / 5.
Totally visible, with strobing fluorescent trim.
Would not use again.
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