Juggernaut Clown-car
From: Peertechz Journal of
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics [mailto:editor.pjbb@ptjmail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 2:42 AM
Subject: Publish your valuable work with us: PJBB
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 2:42 AM
Subject: Publish your valuable work with us: PJBB
Dear Dr.,
Hope this mail finds you in good spirits.
We are pleased to inform
you that Peertechz Journal of Bioinformatics
and Biostatistics is under
the process of accepting articles from the experts like you for Upcoming Issue.
We will be grateful if you
submit a paper for the upcoming issue, the submission due date for the article
is 04th August 2017.
Kindly submit your
manuscript to our editorial office mail.bioinformatics@peertechz.com
We request you to let us
know your possibility of submitting an article.
Best Regards,
Nirmal Y
Journal Managing Editor
Editorial Office: #202, NVS Central, Hi-tech City
R.R District, Hyderabad-500018, TS, India
Tel: +91 40 23833479
Email: mail(dot)bioinformatics(at)peertechz(dot)com;
Please Note: If this
journal is not related to your expertise, please notify us. If you do not want
to hear from us please unsubscribe
By "Experts like me" as contributors, I guess he means "unqualified and uninterested outsiders". But at least he has stopped pretending that "this spam message n'est pas une spam message", as featured in previous endeavours.
Hope this letter finds you in good spirits and in epic
of your researching endeavours.
Expert in the field

From: Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical
Rehabilitation [mailto:editor.jnppr@ptjonline.com]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 10:02 PM
Subject: Your manuscript on Novel Physiotherapy is of immense value: JNPPR
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 10:02 PM
Subject: Your manuscript on Novel Physiotherapy is of immense value: JNPPR
Hello Dr.,
I am Vishwa A from Journals Handling Department of
Journal of Novel Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation (ISSN: 2455-5487).
The aim of the Journal is
to publish scientific research knowledge and works of eminent scholars in order
to assist further researches.
request you to send your valuable works on or before 18th July, 2017
on the following mail-ID: mail.rehabilitation@peertechz.com or for online submission system, click Submit Paper.
If it is not possible to submit by the last date, then please let us
know your tentative date of manuscript submission.
It will be a great pleasure to publish your works with us. We look forward to get a positive response from you.
Vishwa A
Journal Managing Editor
Editorial Office: #202, NVS Central,
Hi-tech City,
R.R District, Hyderabad-500018, TS,
Tel: +91 40 23833479
Please Note: If this journal is not related to your
expertise, please notify us. If you do not want to hear from us please unsubscribe
Does "Novel physiotherapy" mean "physiotherapy involving works of fiction", or "works of fiction about physiotherapy"? If the former, my copy of "Joseph and his Brothers" probably weighs enough to use in a cardiovascular exercise program. If the latter, I shall have to borrow Another Kiwi's dog-eared six-volume illustrated edition of "Adventures of Nina the Naughty Masseuse".
From: Annals of Alzheimers and Dementia Care [mailto:editor.aadc@ptjmail.net]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 10:19 PM
Subject: Join hands with prompt publishing services: AADC
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 10:19 PM
Subject: Join hands with prompt publishing services: AADC
Peertechz Publications
Private Limited
Hello Dr.,
of Alzheimer's and Dementia Care provides
an optimized knowledge to scientific community
and to promote qualitative research publications.
The journal is
inviting you to submit your research works on Alzheimer's and related disciplines for the upcoming issue.
Interested in publishing
your valuable works? Send it within 3 days on following mail-ID: mail.alzheimers@peertechz.com or for online submission system,
click Submit Paper
manuscript will be published without publication fees if you send it within
stipulated timeframe of 3 days. You will have to bear only nominal service
charges at the time of final publication.
look forward to publish your valuable works.
the best for your ongoing research!
Hardev B
Journal Managing Editor
Editorial Office: #202, NVS Central, Hi-tech City
R.R District, Hyderabad-500018, TS, India
Tel: +91 40 23833479
Please Note: If this
journal is not related to your expertise, please notify us. If you do not want
to hear from us please unsubscribe
From: Journal of Clinical Research and
Ophthalmology [mailto:editor.jcro@ptjmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 1:11 AM
Subject: We value your hard work: JCRO
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 1:11 AM
Subject: We value your hard work: JCRO
Dear Dr.,
Journal of Clinical Research and
Ophthalmology (ISSN: 2455-1414) wishes you success
and prosperity throughout the Year 2017.
The journal takes an opportunity to gauge the goal of
ethical publishing and invite you to send your articles for the upcoming issue.
Topics to be covered: Gastric Cancer;
Stomach Diseases; Colorectal Cancer; Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease;
Paediatric IBD; IBD Causes and Symptoms; IBD & Cancer; IBD & Pregnancy;
IBD Treatment; Stomach Diseases; Primary Biliary Cirrhosis; Neuroendocrine
tumor; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Upper GI Complaints etc..
You are hereby requested not to reply on
the sender E-Mail ID.
Please reply to this mail
on following mail-ID: mail.ophthalmology@peertechz.com or Submit Paper (for
paper submission)
Moreover, raise standards of scientific research
worldwide, we have come up with membership
programme. For further details, please
Your contribution towards the journal will certainly
enhance its visibility and impact thereby increasing the value of online
Please specify the ‘Reference
Number’ of the letter in future communications.
Best regards,
Saurabh R
Journal Managing Editor
Editorial Office
Tel: +91 40 23833479,
#202, NVS Central, Hi-tech City, R.R District,
Hyderabad-500018, TS, India.
Note: If this journal is not related to your expertise, please notify
us. If you do not want to hear from us please unsubscribe
Rajesh has a business style which relies on community shareware and begging for free advice in preference to reading the manual. Other plaudits for his obsequious incompetence come from PhytoBotanist, Nigel Armfield, and FlakyJ.The illiterate cockwomble at "ScientificFederation" [i.e. Reddy Sekhar] is a different
From: SciFed Nursing & Healthcare Journal
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 3:47 AM
Subject: Call for Papers-Nursing & Healthcare
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 3:47 AM
Subject: Call for Papers-Nursing & Healthcare
Dear Dr.,
Greetings from SciFed.
SciFed Nursing & Healthcare Journal would like to invite you to publish your recent research on Nursing & Healthcare for the inaugural issue. SciFed Nursing & Healthcare Journal has been established with the help of honorable editorial team from all over the world. Our main aim is to disseminate the high quality articles to the scientific world with minimal price barriers and to climb up the ladder of impact factor.
It would be great if you could submit article so that we could process it for the Upcoming Inaugural Issue. SciFed Nursing & Healthcare Journal accepts articles in the form of Research Articles/Review Articles/Case Reports/Short Communications etc.
If your current research is suitable for SciFed
Nursing & Healthcare Journal, kindly click
here to submit your manuscript through online.
Kindly avail this opportunity to share your
scientific excellences and be a part of our esteemed organization.
We will be glad to assist you, if you have any
Have a nice and healthy day ahead.
Best Regards,
Best Regards,
Alexander Isaac
Assistant Scientific Editor
Assistant Scientific Editor
T: +91-779-979-0002
You are subscribed
to Scientific Federation as XXX. If you do not wish to
receive any further communications, please click
From: SciFed Journal of Neuroscience [mailto:editorial.sfjn@scifed.com]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 3:32 AM
Subject: Call for Papers-Neuroscience
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2017 3:32 AM
Subject: Call for Papers-Neuroscience
Dear Dr.,
Greetings from SciFed.
SciFed Journal of Neuroscience would like to invite you to publish
your recent research on Neuroscience for the inaugural issue. SciFed Journal of Neuroscience has been established with the
help of honorable editorial team from all over the world. Our main aim is to
disseminate the high quality articles to the scientific world with minimal
price barriers and to climb up the ladder of impact factor.
It would be great if you could submit article so that we could process it for the Upcoming Inaugural Issue. SciFed Journal of Neuroscience accepts articles in the form of Research Articles/Review Articles/Case Reports/Short Communications etc.
If your current research is
suitable for SciFed Journal of Neuroscience, kindly click here to submit your
manuscript through online.
Kindly avail this opportunity
to share your scientific excellences and be a part of our esteemed
We will be glad to assist you, if you have any concerns
Have a nice and healthy day ahead.
Best Regards,
Ivan Connor
Assistant Scientific Editor
E: editorial.sfjn@scifed.com
T: +91-779-979-0002
Assistant Scientific Editor
E: editorial.sfjn@scifed.com
T: +91-779-979-0002
You are subscribed
to Scientific Federation as XXX. If you do not wish to
receive any further communications, please click
Also Henry Nicholas, Jean Paul, Samantha Lauren, Emilia Michelle, et cetera. The predictable result has been to create a dispossessed underclass or
Dumpenproletariat of SciFed Assistant-Scientific-Editor sockpuppets who
have LinkedIn accounts but no actual names at all.I was not previously aware of my expertise in the closely-associated fields of nursing and neuroscience, or even nurseroscience as it may be [h/t Fish].

Those spam dishes all look pretty terrifying, especially the spam with (yech) lima beans. (Also, what are "fried candied sweets?" Part of a balanced supper, it seems.) But I admit to actually liking the stuff on the occasions I have tried it. (One winter my friend and housemate Andy and I were stuck in Olympia over the winter break because of three feet of snow that effectively shut down all transportation for weeks. I got him can of spam (I had heard that he liked it) as one of his Christmas presents and he insisted that I try a "spamwich.")
My umich address seems to have an excellent spam filter; I do get spam at my sdf address (somebody got hold of it somehow), but it is mostly boring stuff from "Amazoncom" and random gmail addresses claiming to be UPS and so on. Yawn.
I remember trying a few cans of Spam back in University days. It needed liberal quantities of HP sauce or L&P sauce to cut through the fat, but I was already prepared with those English-cuisine condiments to handle the hostel food, and by those standards there was nothing wrong with Spam.
I was co-author on a presentation that a colleague gave last week to a linguistics conference in Estonia. The first spam arrived the next day -- claiming to be immensely impressed by the calibre of the talk, eager for the chance to publish a version of it in the highly-prestigious Journal of Modern Education Review ("a professional journal published worldwide by Academic Star" ... "an American academic publishing group" that operates out of China).
Some spammers seem to use software scripts to scrape e-addresses from conference websites. Others hire teams of hackers because there are some things that software scripts won't do. We hates them, precious, yes we do.
You are quite the Renaissance man. I do hope you will keep us posted on developments in the cutting-edge field of gastroenterophthalmology. (That's eye care for people with their heads up their asses, right?)
Publish or perish becomes publish and perish. Hyderabad must resemble the floor of an oceanic trench, with "science-shaped" lampreys feasting on the decaying corpses of knowledge whales drifting down from 2 k above.
You're thinking of sea-hags, rhwombat. A vibrant ecosystem of sea-hags and bone-eating snotworms.
Not to forget the sea-pig holothurians (squeee!), pycnogonids and giant amphipods.
I remember trying a few cans of Spam back in University days. It needed liberal quantities of HP sauce or L&P sauce to cut through the fat, but I was already prepared with those English-cuisine condiments to handle the hostel food, and by those standards there was nothing wrong with Spam.
I used some "fancy" mustard*, as I recall. That winter we were effectively snowed in, and food was what we had on hand (some stocks of rice and lentils, and some greens from the garden that I dug up through the snow) and what we could buy at the little Korean-owned corner market a couple corners away, so I certainly wasn't picky. Beer was included, of course, though the first half of the break I merely pitched in, because I wasn't old enough; December 30th and afterward, I could walk in and buy the stuff myself. Ha!
We also (I kid you not) found an old dust covered VHS there about Sakharov (called Sakharov) that was one of the worst movies with the worst cinematography I have ever seen. Andy still remembers the name we gave it, "Opposite of Art." (We also watched a lot of Tarkovsky that winter, which is actually art.)
I was co-author on a presentation that a colleague gave last week to a linguistics conference in Estonia. The first spam arrived the next day -- claiming to be immensely impressed by the calibre of the talk, eager for the chance to publish a version of it in the highly-prestigious Journal of Modern Education Review ("a professional journal published worldwide by Academic Star" ... "an American academic publishing group" that operates out of China).
That's very personal and creepy. I have never experienced the like, but I always went to low-rent conferences like The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. I always enjoyed that one in particular (I also went to regional Slavic conferences) and made a lot of friends and was very well received, plus it was a great excuse to visit Louisville, which is a fine city, despite being (sort of) in the South. I was always sort of chicken to go to ASSEES.
*Ah, I remember when the big Presidential scandal was when the idjits were complaining on the TV that Obama asked for Dijon mustard to go with his hamburger or sandwich or something, and, good Lord, the man ate arugula, what a filthy elitist! I mean, Obama had plenty of flaws from my perspective, but... jeez...
I am sad not to have attended the conference myself. The social program included an option for a tour of the Tartu Beer Museum.
That's very personal and creepy. I have never experienced the like,
The Goofle tells me that "Academic Star" and "David Publishing" -- both from China -- have been Creepy Stalker scammers since at least 2012. They don't seem to have updated their spam templates in that time, apart from occasional changes to the fake US addresses where they claim to be based.
Academic Star's spam includes the ominous words "we wish to become your friends if necessary", making it easy to find examples that people have put on their blogs.
"David Publishing" received an accolade in the form of a dedicated blogpost at ScholarlyOA.
Anyways... because Reddy Sekhar (ScientificFederation) is an incompetent cockwomble, he left a spreadsheet on the Intertubes containing a list of the eedjits who registered for his scamferences for 2016-2017:
-- including e-addresses and the varying amounts they paid. Also includes his own and his colleagues' email details. Massively duplicated, and with lots of "test" entries, so fewer than 300 names are left after removing all those. Still, I don't know if I can be arsed writing a bot that e-mails each person on the list to tell them that they were suckers. They may have worked that out already after arriving in Dubai or whereever and finding only another dozen people.
I'd interpret Novel Physiotherapy as something like deep-tissue massage on Ulysses.
Part of me wants to send them a learned exegesis on "Exercises in Style".
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