Here at the Riddled Research Laboratory and Reverse Sausage Manufactory we are feeling popular and very truly run after. For it is not only "Anna" at Alliance Star who acquired a copy of a conference program and is now offering to publish our presentation from it while promising to love us long time. For the same conference program has come to the attention of "Maydim Malkov" at an International Journal, who is also bidding for that same presentation!

From: Maydim Malkov
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 12:49 AM
Subject: To $AUTHOR: Invitation for Paper Publication from International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2017 12:49 AM
Subject: To $AUTHOR: Invitation for Paper Publication from International Journal of Language and Linguistics
International Journal of Language and Linguistics (ISSN
Print: 2330-0205, Online: 2330-0221)
Current Issue: Vol.5, No.3, 2017
Current Issue: Vol.5, No.3, 2017
from the editorial office of International Journal of Language and
Linguistics (ISSN: 2330-0205), an Open Access journal which publishes
original research papers.
get to know your paper titled $TITLE
from International Cognitive Linguistics Conference:Linguistic Diversity and
Cognitive Linguistics, and your topic is so much impressive.
hope to publish this interesting paper in our journal. Would you like to share
your papers with other scholars in this field? If you have any interest, please
feel free to email us your paper manuscript in the attachment at any of your
to enhance the academic communication between scholars, we are seeking
professionals to join our Editorial Board or reviewer team. If you are
interested, you are encouraged to send your Resume to us.
International Journal of Language and
Subject Coverage
Historical linguistics, History of language, Communication, Professional
discourse, Language and globalization, German language, Psycholinguistics,
Introductory textbooks, Language education & teaching, Research methods,
Syntax, Language and law, Applied linguistics , Comparative linguistics,
Discourse analysis, Descriptive linguistics , Language and gender, English
language, Second language learning, etc.
Journal Indexing
CNKI SCHOLAR, JournalSeek, Academickeys, CrossRef, EZB, Zeitschriftendatenbank,
MIAR, etc.
We are looking forward to a fruitful
cooperation with you.
Editorial Office of International Journal of Language and Linguistics
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Editorial Office of International Journal of Language and Linguistics
Somehow the title 'AcadeMickeys' for a journal-indexing service does not bestow the intended sense of credibility.
This whole genre of post-conference solicitation has inspired serious academic reports, devoted to the off-putting uncanny-valley nature of the names and language it features. One shudders to think of the meta-solicitation spam inundating the authors of those presentations, once the spammers find their addresses.
But wait, a challenger appears! The lovable
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 7:45 PM
Subject: Special Issue on Cognitive Linguistics
Sent: Monday, July 31, 2017 7:45 PM
Subject: Special Issue on Cognitive Linguistics
US-China Foreign
Sino-US English
ISSN 1539-8080 (Print)
ISSN 1539-8072 (Print)
ISSN 1935-9667
ISSN 1935-9675 (Online)
Call for Papers or Books
These are US-China Foreign Language
and Sino-US English
Teaching, the professional journals published across the United
States by David Publishing Company, Chicago,
We have learnt the abstract
named: $TITLE at“International Cognitive Linguistics Conference: Linguistic Diversity and Cognitive Linguistics (ICLC 14)”.
We are very interested in your research field. If the paper mentioned
has not been published in other journals and you have the idea of making our
journal as a vehicle for your research interests, please send us the English version of your paper in MS word format. And if the paper has
been published, all your other original and
unpublished papers are also welcome.
As an American academic
publishing group, we want to invite some people to be our reviewers or become
our editorial board members. If you are interested in our journal, please send
us your CV.
Should you have any questions
or concerns, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your reply.
Best regards,
Betty Hinshaw
Editorial Office
US-China Foreign Language, ISSN1539-8080,
Sino-US English Teaching, ISSN1539-8072,
David Publishing Company
616 Corporate Way, Suite 2-4876, Valley Cottage, NY 10989, USA
Tel: 1-323-9847526,
1-323-410-1082; Fax: 1-323-9847374, 1-323-9080457
Foreign Language and Sino-US English Teaching
are monthly professional academic journals, are striving to provide the best
platform for researchers and scholars worldwide to exchange their latest
findings and results. There is an English version for our journals and
your contribution to our journals would be very much welcome! Current columns
involve Literary Criticism, Translation Studies, Linguistics Research, English
Teaching, and Intercultural Studies, etc.
Publication Ethics and
Foreign Language and Sino-US
English Teaching commit to uphold highest publication ethics and
malpractice statements. All the authors submitting their works should sign our
copy right agreement states our publication policy.
It is good to know that they uphold the highest standards of malpractice.Great is the temptation to write to all three gangs of grifters to inform them of the competition, and let them fight among themselves. But I should probably wait to hear an offer from SCIRP -- a 4th Chinese band of puke-funnelling mockademic moochers.
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