
Of course GcMAF was only the first of a series of game-through break-changing snake-oils. Magic Yoghurt, GOleic, Rerum and most recently Immortalis Klotho were in turn presented to the world, each surrounded with the same curative promises and the same warnings that previous products no longer worked. And there were no-frills own-brand knock-offs: ReViVe, and Kerry Rivera's 'Condroitin', and 'Omnia' from Trevor Banks. But that is all forgotten now, swept away in a wave of GcMAF nostalgic revivalism.
The story resumes with various hard-core Truther conspiracists calling for Derriford Hospital (Plymouth) to account for the whereabouts of Lynda Thyer (Biomedical Researcher, "cancer cure genius" and altruistic purveyor of the best placebos money can buy), now disappeared from the Psych Ward and feared abducted by Big Pharma kill-teams. If anyone wants to adapt this episode for the big screen, the Beelitz-Heilstätten facilities would provide the right ambience.

Ideally, readers will recall the delightful characters who have enlivened the saga so far. There are siblings Trevor Banks and Lesley Hutchings, who for a while were on the payroll of David Noakes as social-media consultants (i.e. they infiltrated on-line support groups and bulletin boards for cancer and Chronic Fatigue and what-have-you, posing as afflicted themselves and preaching the virtues of the magic molecule GcMAF, as sold by Noakes). Then they went free-lance, and joined forces with Amanda Mary Jewell while companies came and went. Eventually Lesley was selling the health-bringing panacea in the form of protein-enriched skin-cream... only to incur the full persecution of the French state, despite backing away from the claim that her "MAFactive" cremes-passionelle actually contained any GcMAF. Ideally her chief nemesis Judge-Inquisitor Jean-Luc Gadaud will be played in the movie version by Keanu Reeves.
But meanwhile, the third sibling Lynda Thyer (nee Banks) stuck with Noakes, wearing a white lab-coat, which makes her a scientist. The family own a house in Dover but all the evidence points to them really hailing from Essex.
Anyways... Ms Thyer was previously holed up in the attic of 450 New North Road, Ilford, under siege from landsharks and paramilitary forces in the guise of paramedics. Just saying: if there's a knock at the door and a shout "Someone rang for an ambulance, is everything OK?" they might as well be calling "Candygram!"
Accepting an offer to stay at a friend’s home, Lynda Thyer arrived at the undisclosed safehouse at 9:45 pm. Around 10:15 pm, very suspiciously, two ambulance crew-women with walkie talkies knocked repeatedly and violently at the front door for 20 minutes. An uncalled-for ambulance was parked outside for no reason for two hours until midnight, then drove off. An unmarked car with rear lights on was seen between 10.30 pm and 1 am across the road to the left of the Green, also parked for no reason for over two hours. Neelu Berry notes it is possibly of the Secret Service which has followed Lynda from the airport on a tag.
Around 10.47pm on 11th June 2019, an ambulance crew turned up at the home of Neelu Berry without being called out, knocking violently and repeatedly at the door for 5 minutes, and remained parked, blocking the drive for 2 hours. Another Black car was seen parked for the 2 hours plus another 2 hours after the ambulance left. This was an Extra-Judicial Kidnap and Assassination attempt by the Organised Crime Network which provides Protection Frauds to criminals to target whistleblowers with Impunity. The Criminals are hired to wear different outfits as per the frauds they are required to act out, whether Police Officers, Bailiffs, Social Workers, Ambulance Crew, Secret Service Agents....Before that, Thyer was sighted at Heathrow Airport. The story has it that she was waiting to surrender herself into French custody, following instructions of the Kent Police European Liaison Unit, who had also sent her the train tickets to Heathrow, with orders to wait there overnight for the French squad to arrive on June 12 to escort her to their home country. She suffered an attack of the Malingles in Reading in the course of her odyssey (which to be fair could happen to anyone in Reading); was arrested, resuscitated (without the use of GcMAF) and released again on her own incognizance, and having reached Heathrow, she proposed to kip on a bench and
The story seems implausible, and perhaps there had been a misunderstanding, for details include (a) a letter from Thyer's solicitor, giving her a 10-day stay of the extradition and excusing her from gym because of hay-fever; (b) medical advice against flying for the next five days; and (c) an appointment in the Magistrate's Court on Monday June 17th, to begin the extradition proceedings. If all this sounds confusing, don't blame me - I flatter myself that I have actually added coherence to the narrative despite its filtration through the fevered brains of Clan Paranoia. It is possible that our Truther informants were experiencing interference from alternative pasts, with cognitive cross-talk and bleed-through (as predicted by the Clyde Multiple Pasts model of quantum reality).
Now this is where Ian R Crane enters the story, and where it gets interesting, for scholars of the human condition (and for insensitive easily-entertained brutes). Crane seems determined to weld the diverse strands of Trutherdom into a single unified force, with himself at the helm, directing them through Youtuba ukases issued from a field in England. He aspires to be the Pope of Paranoid Ideation; the ringmaster of a 5-ring Conspiracist Circus where supplement pimps rub shoulders with anti-5G EMFphobics and exchange their insights into the Purity of Bodily Fluids and race. When I wrote "interesting" I was using the word loosely.
Readers should recall Crane as the John-the-Baptist to Noakes' implausible Jesus, initiating him into the esoteric wisdom of GcMAF and setting him on the path of cancer fraud, in an incident involving Algerian typeface and the 'Codex Alimentarius'. More recently there occurred Alternative Views 10, a yearly gathering of the Truther Tribes, or Glastonbury for Galoots if you prefer.
It turned out that one of the mystery guests at AV10 (Embracing the Chaos!) was Lynda Thyer! She wowwed the crowd with her tale of persecution and oppression and pathos. The pathos came in with the news of the recent cancer death of her father. So the gathered believers-in-search-of-belief opened their wallets, and Lynda is flush with donations, making her even more popular and very truly run-after by other fraudsters. In case you were wondering, this was the father whose cancer had previously been cured with GcMAF and the advice of Amanda Mary Jewell.
Summoned by a Crane-call, the Sovereign Citizen Freemen-on-the-Land contingent rallied to Thyer's defense. These especially solipsistic individuals have collectively assembled an economic / jurisprudential / linguistic scholium of thought in which their own ad-hoc

A mouthpiece of this eccentric collective delusion, empowered by a Common-Law Court that regularly convenes at "Sizzlers" curry house in Dundee [Dave Barry disclaimer here], came down to London for Thyer's June 17 Magistrate's Court appearance and appointed himself as her supralegal representative, by dint of his Power of Attorney. This also sufficed to disestablish her existing legal team. The same legal genius had already quashed Thyer's extradition (and disciplined High Court Justice Supperstone for ordering it) with a ruling issued from the same curry house, with little obvious effect, but he was undeterred.

On Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June 2019, John Smith attended the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London.
John was there as he had obtained a Power of Attorney for the living woman and ownership of the Fictitious Name 'LYNDA THYER.'
It was pointed out by various members of court staff, department managers and a solicitor, who they had contacted, that John Smith had no standing in this action. They refused to accept Common Law Court documents and stated that they could only deal with the legal team who had represented Lyn previously.
When these staff were informed that John had a Power of Attorney and ownership of the Fictitious Name, they ignored it, confirming that they would not accept any paperwork from John.
At the end of the two days, John had sacked the existing legal team and the same court staff had to accept the lawful Common Law Court documents presented by John, in doing so they also accepted that John had standing. These papers are currently with a judge and we are awaiting an update.
Ian Crane + Field in England
"Power of Attorney" here means that John Smith assumed Thyer's status in the court; in paralegal terms he became her [no, I am Spartacus!]. The court refused to recognise him, either as a legal representative or as Thyer's surrogate. But where was Thyer herself? Not there to surrender herself, it seems.There were about 65 people there and the judge threw out the case in 20 mins. John Smith insisted he was Lyn Thyer. The judge said but Lyn is a woman. Johnj said that he had acquired all the legal rights to the name Lyn Thyer. The Judge refused to see the paperwork which, to my experience, should have been filed at the court before the hearing (even if its a weekend, as only 3 days notice of the hearing was given).The ruling on that real-world extradition appeal is replete with details of Thyer's health issues, depression, suicide attempts and general overacting; and about the parlous, inhumane state of French prisons (which is something one should really think about before moving to France to do all the crimes).. It was argued that the French authorities were not sincere in their desire to interview or else they would have interviewed her already rather than let her flee the country, but the judge was having none of that
I was surprised that most of the support did not realise that Westminster Mags is where the chief Mag of England and Wales and specialises in extradition. Rumours were abounding that the supreme court handed down to a lesser court, but this was not the case.
Lyn didn't turn up at court, but there is now a warrant for her arrest "for her protection".
It is an informative document, spelling out charges, in language which might have sounded less quaint in the original French.
The details of the offences in summary are (1) swindles as a gang;Only Mopery and Aggravated Cozenage are missing. For additional quaintness, Thyer is described as 'companion' of David Noakes, and he as her 'former partner'. For Noakes is as much a person of interest. Fortunately he is no longer enjoying Her Majesty's hospitality, as his UK trial had focussed on minor charges of distributing unlicensed products (and a little light money laundering), so he is now free to be extradited as well, allowing the all-round convenience of a combined trial. Along with one-time euro-scrubber David Halsall, and one can only speculate about the other defendants.
(2) illegal exercise of the profession of pharmacist;
(3) marketing or distribution without authorisation of products defined as medicine;
(4) advertising products defined as medicine;
(5) fraud over the nature and substantial qualities of a product;
(6) fraudulent possession of products defined as medicine without previous marketing authorisation as a gang, facts considered as importation and exportation as smuggling;
(7) concealed work by dissimulation of activity;
(8) illegal operation of a pharmaceutical establishment; and
(9) biomedical research without obtaining a favourable opinion from the Committee for the Protection of Persons and the authorisation of the competent administrative authority.
The framework list is ticked for swindle.
The document is also a window into the manufacturing / distribution network assembled in the Continent after meddling stickybeaks in the UK shut down David Noakes' facility in Cambridgeshire (operating in a garage under the supervision of Rodney Smith, fully-qualified home brewer). We learn of the Dutch distributor Duurzaam Gezond Production ("Sustainable Health"), from which Thyer received €11,411.05. "Sustainable Health" is Rinno Heidstra, a broad-spectrum quack who operates a clinical cafetaria of medscams -- blood-ozone perfusion and the like -- out of Enschede, to attract German suckers using a cross-border loophole. Like Klaus Ross but with fewer casualties. The new supplier of the Magic Molecule was not stated (perhaps it was not germane to the French prosecutor's case).
But there is no honour among cancer leeches and elsewhere Noakes reckons that all his ill-gotten profits ended up in the pockets of his erstwhile colleague Marco Ruggiero, leaving him only with his private plane and his collection of bullion and Jaguar cars.
During an operation conducted on the instructions of the judge in February 20, 2017 in the region of Cherbourg, the following elements were discovered and seized: cash in 10 different currencies, 2 silver bars, 2 jaguar vehicles, a storage room, clandestine manufacturing laboratory, a stock of 7,000 vials ready to be shipped – with an estimated resale value of 3,150,000 Euros (7,000 vials at 450 Euros each), as well as many documents (invoices, records, manufacturing memorandum…)But wait, it gets better! Eight other defendants!
Further to my telephone call to you at 3pm, I have just been informed by Derriford Hospital 01752 202082 in Plymouth that they are very concerned for the Medical health of Citizen Lynda Thyer after she absconded from the Respiratory Ward at 11 am this morning. She was admitted on medical grounds due to stress induced loss of appetite of 1 week, after 5 collapses in 7 days, low BP, several attempts at resuscitation, coughing blood. A Mental Health Fraud was also attempted at the hospital.So to sum up: Citizen Thyer has absconded, and it is the hospital's responsibility, and Libya is a land of contrast. This post needs more lynx, and maybe more illustrations, but I am jetlagged and the next flight is boarding.
She was officially discharged at 3.20pm this afternoon in her absence.
I can confirm that the criminal charges she faces are identical to those faced by Citizen Mr David Noakes who has 3 appeals to Ruling, Conviction & Sentence pending from 27th Nov 2018, due to failure of the Criminal Appeals Office to process them in an Extradition Fraud.
All Extradition proceedings in the Westminster Magistrates Court are in Contempt of the Criminal Appeals Court.
Please note, both Lynda Thyer and David Noakes as well as 8 other Defendants are the subject of a witch-hunt by the MHRA Big Pharma, after they successfully found a natural way to recover patients with Stage 4 Cancers within a few months using GcMAF. Lynda Thyer is a World renowned Researcher and Biomedical Scientist. Over a 100 Naturopaths have been disappeared or murdered in the last few years.
UPDATE: According to the Looniverse reality-denialists who have rallied to her cause, Ms Thyer is back in custody.
The attacks of Malingles continue, though Thyer is not the only one in this circle who is knocking on the doors of death.
"Too many Munchausens and not enough Proxies", is all I can say.
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