(1). Candice Lee-Bradstreet reads a year-old Riddled post, anyway, and having convinced herself that this betrays an obsession, threatens to pray for my soul. Her comment is a cry for help, or maybe for attention. She has "moved on", it seems, but alas I have too much on my plate (or more accurately, too much in my glass) to fash myself with a forensic scrutiny into whatever new entrepreneurial activity she has moved on to, though readers are welcome to venture into the long grass.
Candice informs us that husband Thom is alive and healthy as if he never had lymphoma in the first place, therefore the GoFundMe appeal to raise money for his holistic treatment

Candice Bradstreet said...Of course prayer does not work on its own, and the full protocol is "thoughts and prayers"... just like zinc and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19. The prayers are a thoughtophore or something, and any clinical trial that omits the 'thoughts' part of the protocol has been set up to fail prayers.
I am amazed you are still wasting your time writing about our family. You must be a very bored, lonely and miserable human being. And also a coward, as you hide behind a screen name instead of revealing your real name and a profile picture of a toilet instead of your face. Our family has moved on. Oh, and no, a crowd fund wasn't necessary - my husband was declared cancer free after only three months of combined treatments and is still cancer free two years later and is in amazing health. Also, Amanda Mary wrote that entire article - not me. You really should sharpen up on your journalism skills and instead of making outlandish assumptions, as you accuse everyone else of doing, you should actually find real evidence and facts to back what you are saying. I will be praying for you - you seem so very unhappy and bitter that you have to attack everyone else and their lives instead of focusing on your own. I wish you the best in life. :)
May 31, 2020 at 10:24 AM
(2). We have also heard from Anonymous, who is Just Asking Questions about the loving Riddled attention to the diverse and unconventional business activities of Sacha Stone; and whether this attention is part of a Derp State maneuvre to discredit Mr Stone (né Simon Jean Paul Sacha Adams) in response to his anti-5G agitation. The pro-Stone bot was afflicted with some kind of software glitch and left six copies of the same advertisement / comment but I sent five to the Spambucket (and nothing of value was lost).
Anonymous said..."Now in my day," Another Kiwi vouchsafed, "Hi-tech spherical radiation barriers were large enough to shelter entire cities within their protection."
Does the extensive discrediting 'work' of Sasha Stone have anything to do with his extensive documentary about 5G (and Smart Meters), and that this highly profitable 5G technology will be damaging the DNA of all life-forms, including the human DNA?
5G Apocalypse - The Extinction Event
May 21, 2020 at 10:25 AM
"In this fallen age," I agreed, "Our ambitions have dwindled to the point that our protective barriers are barely large enough for a single, standard-sized human unit. But it is time to end this fascinating conversation, for Happy Hour is nearly over and we must hasten to the bar for a refill of Old Muckspreader Parsnip Pale before it degenerates into a moshpit."

[H/t Joachim Boaz]
We referred of course to the radio-telephony-blocking USB dongles from BioShield LLC, and the bubble of radio silence they create around the happy owner.Evidently they intercept not only the frequency bands and packet structures used by 5G, but also any other forms of unwanted, inimical information, leaving the owner free to download FB pages by wireless broadband and browse them without fear of encountering adverse facts. That is, the Bioshield protection is more of an epistemic bubble than an electromagnetic one.
Protective bubbles: Doin it rong *

In our opinion the 5G Bioshield is nothing more than a £5 USB key with a sticker on it. Whether or not the sticker provides £300 pounds worth of quantum holographic catalyzer technology we’ll leave you to decide.This BioShit BullShield popped up in actual news thanks to endorsements from credulous loombuckets in the Glastonbury council, determined to remain on-brand with that town's reputation for high-minded Unthink. What brought it to the attention of the Riddled Home for Abandoned Barbecues and Strategic Warratah Reserve was the involvement of Sacha Stone.
H/t @LauraClemens
Now the BioShield logo departs from the mandala-fucked-a-Biohazard-sign stylings that mark every other branch of Stone's business scampire of Sovereign-Citizen nu-age Stupidity Taxation. And Mr Stone is not so gauche as to pimp his dire telephony exposés through the same webstore as his advertisements for 5G protection. It has been noted, though, that one of BioShield's supposed inventors belongs to the 'Humanidad' and 'New Earth University' branches.**
Moreover, the directors of BioShield are moonlighting from their day-jobs as distributors for Klotho Immortalis, the death-defeating food supplement with relativistic time dilation at the subcellular level -- Stone's previous big-ticket fraud. Namely, Anna Grochowalska and Valerio Laghezza.
Wolfgang Knoerr, the other Immortalis Distribution director, is a Berlin naturopath and 5G opponent, a Health Sovereignty panelist at Stone's 2019
Elsewhere Stone gave the game away directly:
(3). In contrast, "looking gauche" has never been a concern for "HopeGirl" (Naima Dawn Feagin), who turned to the 5G racket when her original perpetual motion / Free Energy moneywell ran dry, and her webstore is currently centred around the sale of moulded slabs of black plastic tack, labelled "Shungite" for 5G / electrosmog-protective purposes.According to this piece Sasha Stone himself was trying to flog the 5GBioshield at an event with Mark Steele last year.— Laura Clemens (@LauraCIemens) May 29, 2020
My Dad Got Hoaxed By the Anti-5G Conspiracy Movement https://t.co/FRJ0FUAbxa via @viceuk
5G Aerial Tower about to cause darkness
Some people advocate lighting a candle instead of cursing the darkness, but in this demi-monde of Nu-Age charlatans, it is more usual to agitate about the darkness that each new frequency band of mobile telephony will bring, while selling £340 brummagem plastic tschotschkes marked "Candle" to the suckers. Me, I happen to enjoy cursing the the darkness. Feckin darkness! Away to buggrit with it! Bloody buggery darkness!I note in passing that HopeGirl's "Quantum Energy Generator" was an inspiration for Stone's QT-π free-energy scam. Just making the point that all these fraudsters know one another and pass around ideas like part-licked lollipops.

Is he really that low? Yes, he is that low. H/t Dora.
Ruggiero is very much part of this milieu... to the point that last year, in a rare departure from collegiality and professional courtesy, Amanda Mary Jewell and Candice Lee-Bradstreet (remember her from above?) accused him of master-minding the suicide of Candice's late brother-in-law, Jeff Bradstreet. Because competition.False-colour EM image of imuno destroying CoronaviriDr. Ruggiero says, “I take the liberty to write that I am 99% (100% would be unrealistic) confident that imuno will help with the coronavirus for two reasons. The first and most obvious is its general effect on the immune system as described in all the papers where it has been mentioned.”
“The second is related to the specific anti-viral properties of chondroitin sulfate that are further amplified by the molecular arrangement of imuno. As you may know by now, the coronavirus responsible for the current epidemic attacks human cells because it has spikes from HIV that no one knows, at the present, whether they were intentionally inserted or are result of a casual viral recombination. (highly improbable but not impossible)”
(5). Comity and collegiality are elsewhere sustained. Pursuing this broad survey further afield, our inquiries find Judy Mikovits fronting up to Sacha Stone's ITNJ make-believe court, to testify about the real origins and real purposes of that COVID-19 pandemic... drawing upon her experiences in fabricating results in a different area of virology. The original video is missing at Stone's Faceborg post, because apparently Youtuba has community standards, but the comments remain for our hilarity
Also at FaceBorg we find Stone in full lickspittle mode, amplifying tweets from the true progressive, POTUS Trump. Partly because of solidarity among racist shitweasels, but mainly because the Qanon conspiracy suckers are exactly the elective-ignorance infinitely-gullible demographic Stone needs to attract for his business model.
Crivens, a whole decade has passed since Mikovits was cashiered from Science for her fraud... since her search for a niche where standards were sufficiently low and credulity was sufficiently high, when she reinvented herself as an antivaxxer. How time flies. In a recent come-back, trying to advance from the crowded ranks of antivax grifting, she launched a well-coordinated attempt to become the face of COVID-19 Conspiracy Culture, with a mockumentary movie and a new book, and interviews on all the usual conspiracy channels. The ITNJ among them.
Various reality-based bloggers covered these developments: See e.g. Respectful Insolence, and Skeptical Raptor, and RetractionWatch. Her stanning fanbois quickly infested their comment threads with virtue-signalling displays of belligerent stupidity, mostly variations on two themes:
a. Sure, Mikovits might have lied about this, and that, and the other thing, but this is irrelevant to the plausibility of her less-testable claims.
b. The fact that so many websites show evidence that Mikovits lies about everything proves that she must be telling the truth, for why would the Deep State bother to organise a response to her claims if it didn't feel threatened?
It is sad that skeptic bloggers must spend time rebutting lies and self-glorifying fantasies from such an abject loser, but they do not get to vote on whom the Loonisphere will accept as their flag-bearer. Arguably L'affair Mikovits was tailor-made for less-reality-based Riddled shitposting. I will settle for remarking on two episodes in her pre- and post-disgrace career that deserve more attention than they have received.
a. Mikovits' career highlight in Traditional Chinese Medfraud, as "VP of drug development for Genyous Biomed”. 'Genyous' is now Omnitura, and has one product, Aneustat - a cure for prostate cancer.
Aneustat / OMN54 is a mixture of TCM herbs and fungi (Ganoderma lucidum, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Scutellaria barbata), rebranded with a clinical-sounding name to increase its appeal to Western suckers. The name of one J. Mikovits features on its patent, and on the conference presentation heralding its debut into the cancer-cure market. Nothing seems to have come of the 2012-2014 clinical trial of Aneustat / OMN54, but that has not stopped the company from launching a 2020-2022 clinical trial, because TCM is one of those scams that cannot fail... it can only be failed. So if I may belabour the point, Mikovits has prior form as a TCM fraudster.
b. The time spent riding the Chronic Lyme scamwagon. In 2012 Judy was a supplements pimp and Lyme Doctor, peddling worthless fraudy products for a multilevel-marketing company “Pharmanex / Nu-Skin”. More specifically, peddling antioxidants and a “BioPhotonic” prescription machine (designed to tell suckers that they need to buy more Pharmanex antioxidants), all to treat Chronic Lyme Disease. I am not making this up:
Sounds legit!
(2) again. In other dramatic developments, we learn that Sacha has lost his grasp over several rings of his broad-tent circus of mountebankruptcy... erstwhile colleagues having purloined the passwords to New Earth webstores, changed the locks and wrested control... perhaps having decided to rip Sacha off before he could rip them off. It is a sad indictment of the degraded nature of modern-day morality when conmen can't even trust their own accomplices.
IMPORTANT NEWEARTH NOTICE: SHARE!In the interests of scrupulous fairness I should admit that 5G-BioShield's protection can be toggled, switching between an individual bubble to the McMansion whole-household setting.
Whilst I've been flat-out working 24/7 on activism work these past few weeks, a group of bandits (fmr disgruntled colleagues) have planned and now stolen the NewEarth websites & database, and set up a rogue ghost platform calling itself NewEarth Nation(s) please see below. They will be facing the legal and social blowback shortly. Till then we are flying blind from within the NewEarth team. Please REPORT the FB page as being hijacked and let these muppets (led by GREG PAUL) know that conspiracy, collusion and theft are not the NewEarth way. They also nicked my www.sachastone and www.humanitad websites, so if I go dark, you'll know why. As will my lawyers 😉
The NewEarth team and I are genuinely concerned these folks are intent on monetising the NewEarth database and/or attracting land assets into their NewEarth Vehicle vehicle, set up without my knowledge or the knowledge of the NewEarth management team. Please do NOT engage treaties, do NOT engage commercial business and do NOT follow these bandits in the page below.
*"Amniotic-sac nightmares" were a popular theme for a while in pulp covers and horror-movie posters, but no other examples have bubbled up to the surface of memory.
** Dr. Ilija Lakicevic - the other supposed inventor - is an OG Montenegrin crank who distributes his brain-farts through predatory publishers and seems to have no idea that his "TESLA RADIATION BALANCER self-adhesive sticker" has been co-opted to add legitimacy to BioShield (the latter going unmentioned on his website). Dr Lakicevic is a retired lab technician, inventor, tennis coach and God. But I digress.
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